

I specialize in guiding individuals through the complexities of the healthcare system. Some individuals grapple with chronic health conditions as they age, requiring support to navigate healthcare optimization and maintain a fulfilling life despite their ailments. Others need assistance during their final years. My approach involves active listening, thorough research, presentation of viable options, and the empowerment of clients and their families. I proactively take steps, facilitating communication with healthcare providers and families to ensure that the client’s preferences and wishes are heard.


As a trusted partner of the care team, I offer a wide range of services to help older adults and their families, either in-person in Los Angeles or remotely throughout the United States. I take into account that each situation has a unique set of personalities, challenges and opportunities and may include a variety of services such as:


  • Assisted 65-year old son in Texas to move his 92-year old mother from her home in Seal Beach to an assisted living community in Texas. Worked with hospice agency, assisted living community, caregivers, and senior movers to facilitate the transition.
  • Facilitated discharge from rehab facility, coordinated care plan, made home modifications, reconciled medicines, hired caregivers, set up Home Health services, and monitored situation for three months for a 80-year old solo ager. 
  • Assessed caregiving needs, researched county and MediCal options for a 95-year old in an assisted living community whose money was running out. 
  • Facilitated communication and assisted three adult siblings in different parts of the country, with varying amounts of involvement with mom and dad, to understand the aging process, the typical care needs and best practices for co-caregiving for their parents to minimize friction and bring more unity.
  • Worked with 65-year and 63-year-old daughters to assess their 88-year old mother’s care needs and prepare a care plan.
  • Educated an 85-year old spouse about hospice for her 92-year old husband on behalf of a 62-year old daughter who was worried about her mother’s health.